Please read the important information below then complete your details at the bottom.

Safety Policy Statement

It is the LECHLADE DUCK RACE (LDR) policy to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that an environment is created and maintained at all times during the setting up and running of the LDR, which is both safe and healthy for the benefit of all. The prevention of all accidents, particularly those involving personal injury or damage to equipment and property, is recognised as being essential to the efficient running of the Event as well as to avoid hardship and suffering. The LDR commits itself to the implementation of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1994 including the management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1992 and actively seeks the full and understanding co-operation of all for their commitment to the same. The LDR with the aid of all exhibitors and contractors, will assess the risks to the health and safety of all and of everyone else who may be affected by any activity carried on at the Event. These assessments will enable any necessary preventative and protective measures to be taken to ensure a safe and healthy environment at the Event. The LDR will provide adequate training and instruction as necessary for all stewards to ensure the safe running of all operations at the Event. The LDR will revise this Safety Policy Document annually as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Personnel Responsible for Health and Safety

OIC and Volunteer Committee Members

The OIC and Committee members shall have overall responsibility for all aspects of health and safety and shall so far as is reasonably practicable ensure that everybody under their control are familiar with The LDR Safety Policy and will encourage at all times the co-operation of all members, stewards, contractors, exhibitors and members of the public for their commitment to the same. The OIC and Committee will also act on health and safety guidance and advice received from the Fire Risk Assessment.

Stewards -These will assist with the implementation and enforcement of this Policy Statement, and take  charge in dealing with emergencies and major accidents at the Event.

Exhibitors Responsibilities All exhibitors must take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions. No exhibitor may misuse, fail to use or recklessly interfere with any equipment in the interests of health and safety under statutory obligations or otherwise. All exhibitors should note the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, which requires co-operation and co-ordination between all Exhibitors and the LDR in so far as the requirements on both to carry out adequate risk assessments covering the work to be carried out, and to implement any procedures as required by the above legislation, and also inform all those concerned of these assessments and procedures.

Participants and Exhibitors

All participants and exhibitors are required to conform to the LDR Safety Policy Document in order to maintain the highest standard of Health and Safety practically possible. Participants and exhibitors must ensure the health and safety of themselves and any other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions. The co-operation of participants and exhibitors will be paramount in achieving so far as is reasonably practicable a safe and trouble free programme.


All static/mobile caterers must ensure that they comply with all the relevant current Food Hygiene Regulations. Food Safety Act 1990. Food Safety (General food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, Food Labelling Regulations 1996, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. All caterers should realise that Inspectors of the Local Council Environmental Health Departments may make inspections prior to and during events to ensure that "Food Operators" understand and comply with the relevant legislation. All establishments selling Food and/or Drink must comply with the above Food Hygiene Regulations. Guidance on Health and Safety in Kitchens and food Preparation Areas HS(G)55 is available from HMSO Tel: 0171- 8730011. Caterers should obtain a copy and follow the guidelines therein.


All exhibitors, Trade Stands, Caterers, Retailers etc. who use LPG MUST comply with Guidance notes referred to below, in respect of the storage and use of any LPG containers that they bring onto the showground. Any full or empty cylinders not in current use must be kept in an adequate store as described in the guidelines referred to below and not on the stand, exhibit or in the caterers kitchen. No LPG cylinders should be kept inside any building. The gas from these cylinders should be piped to the appliances being used. All pipework should be rigid whenever possible with the shortest possible amount of rubber tubing used. All rubber tubing used should confirm to BS3212 Standard. Hose connections should be secured with the correct hose clips at all times. If there is temporary or permanent storage of LPG on the same site then this storage must comply with HSE Guidance Booklet HS(G)4 "The Storage of LPG at fixed installations" for bulk storage, or with HSE Guidance Note CoP7 "The keeping of LPG in cylinders or similar containers" for other types of storage. All use of LPG on site should also be in accordance with HSE Guidance Note CoP7. Exhibitors, caterers, etc are required to ensure that their gas appliances have been recently examined and tested by a competent person and labelled to indicate the examiners name and date of examination.

Safety Requirements 

Health and safety at work Act 1974 Special attention is directed to the safety requirements outlined in the regulations governing the allocation of space for machinery and other stands. The ruling of the OIC on the safety of any exhibit, or part of an exhibit, shall be immediate and final; but consent to the working of an exhibit, shall not relieve any exhibitor of liability as laid down in the regulations. The LDR holds exhibitors wholly responsible for the observance of statutory regulations governing the safety of machinery exhibited by them. Machines and appliances are accepted for the adjudication and on the understanding that they are capable of complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations, which are implemented under it.

Fire Precautions

Exhibitors bringing their own tentage must ensure that it has been treated with a suitable fire retardant. Fire extinguishers will be situated throughout the site. Should any exhibitor bring their own extinguishers, they must comply with regulations and be suitable for their location and likely type of fire.The most suitable extinguisher is a 5Kilo dry powder type, which in the case of most fires, will contain the outbreak until the arrival of the fire brigade.

Fire/Emergency Procedure

  1. In the event of fire, evacuate the stand or area immediately.
  2. Report the fire to any steward or the Main HQ tent where the Fire Authority can be notified.
  3. Keep all spectators well clear of the area.

Accidents/First Aid


The safe treatment of the injured person and Immediate action to prevent re-occurrence.


  1. First Aid is available at the First Aid Tent.
  2. An accident Book is kept in the First Aid Tent which must record the incident.

Fire Risk Assessment

As the responsible person and in order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you MUST complete a Fire Risk Assessment for your stand, unit or structure. The Risk Assessment needs to identify the fire hazards and persons at risk; you must endevour to remove or reduce these risks and protect employees and the public from fire.

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in you being asked to leave the site. You must be able to answer YES to the following questions.

This signed and completed form must be submitted to Lechlade Duck Race (by clicking 'Submit' below), furthermore, a copy is to be retained at each stand, unit or structure for which you are responsible and must be available at all times for inspection by any Fire Inspector, Event Organisers or Local Authority. You will receive a copy of the submitted form via email.




















